
Have a Safe and Enjoyable Summer!

We hope that everyone is having a safe and enjoyable summer.

2024 CBI Band Fundraising - Thank you

   The CBI Storm Concert and Jazz Bands would like to thank the following for their donations during the 2023-24 school year. Please click "Read More" to see the entire list.    

Chromebrook Permission Form

 The link below is for the Chromebook Permission Form.  This form is required to be completed in order for students to get a Chromebook issued to them by NLESD (Grades 7-12).  Once the form is digitally completed, our secretary will add your student(s') name to the list and they will be issued a Chromebook when the NLESD Technology Team has prepared them. https://www.studentquickpay. com/nlesd/MyAccount/Main.aspx? webitemid=13568

Volunteer Link

If you'd like to sign up to be a Volunteer, please use the form below: https://www.studentquickpay. com/nlesd/MyAccount/Main.aspx? webitemid=17984

Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA)

 This is a friendly reminder that Corner Brook Intermediate has an active Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA).  The group meets on days 3 and 13 in room 321 and is open to all genders and sexual orientations.  We hope to see you there.

Bridge the gAPP

  Every device within the Newfoundland and Labrador School District will soon have a shortcut placed on the desktop linking directly to Bridge the gapp. Bridge the gapp is a wellness-based self help tool designed to support mental wellness for adults and youth as part of the Newfoundland and Labrador’s Stepped Care Model. Using an online platform Bridge the gapp provides instant access to content providing advice, inspiration, assurance or direction for finding additional support when needed. In addition, it offers self-help resources and links to local services, allows users to share personal stories, and connects individuals with the BreathingRoom (an eight-week online self-management program). The involvement of the community, and specifically young people has enriched the design of this app, and makes it a universal user friendly resource. 

2021 2022 Curriculum Night Video


Traffic Flow and Parking

Parents/guardians are asked to not stop/park in the drop-off lane (outside lane) in front of the school at any time including after school, evenings and weekends. That lane is for drop-off only and not for pick-up. If you are picking up your child from the school, please wait in the parking lot located between the tennis courts and the school board office. New crosswalks have been placed between the school and that parking lot. The inside lane is for School Buses and Emergency Vehicles only. Parking on the sidewalks is not permitted at any time because it is causing damage to the sidewalks and grass. More importantly, we are very concerned with student safety as vehicles pass and risk striking a student or adult. Also, be sure you don't turn left onto Mt. Bernard Avenue as you leave the road between our lot and the Cathedral because you may be subject to a fine and lose 2 points if seen by RNC.

Allergy Reminders

Please be reminded to avoid bringing and/or sending peanut, tree nuts, cantaloupe and/or shellfish products to school due to severe allergies

Accessing Google Classroom Using a Gaming Console

 If interested, please see the link below regarding accessing Google Classroom from gaming consoles such as Xbox and Playstation. apps/news/google/155204-how- to-use-google-classroom-on- xbox-and-playstation

Student Council Feedback Email

  The CBI student council now has an email address for voicing concerns and/or suggestions.  Please email   to have your voice be heard. Have a great day!!!

CBI Gender Sexuality Alliance

  If anyone is interested in joining a google classroom for GSA (gender sexuality alliance) group, please join using the code or link on the school website or email Mrs. Stephanie Pennell. c/MTg0MzY2Nzk3OTRa?cjc=te36hxc Code: te36hxc Would love to connect with you! Thanks!


We're looking forward to seeing new and returning students at Corner Brook Intermediate!!   As communicated, there was an online school orientation session for Grade 7 students on September 3, 2020.  In case you missed the session, it was recorded and is available for viewing below:

CBI Guidance Wellness Video!!

The staff at CBI misses you all and hopes that you and your loved ones are keeping safe and staying well!  ❤️💛💚💙💜 Check out the new Corner Brook Intermediate Guidance Web Page for more details!!